More Summer Jobs for the Unemployed in US

March 29, 2011

Unlocking Word Meanings
Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.

1. temporary (adj.) [tem-puh-rer-ee] – not permanent or long-term
Example: His absence at work is only temporary; he will be back next week.

2. encourage (v.) [en-kur-ij, -kuhr-] – to inspire or to support somebody
Example: The teachers encourage their students to do well in the examinations.
3. compensation (n.) [kom-puhn-sey-shuhn] – a payment given to a person in exchange for his services
Example: The company provides high compensation to its employees.

4. allot (v.) [uh-lot] – to provide or set aside a portion of something for a specific purpose
Example: The athlete allots three hours a day to exercise.

Read the text below.

This summer will be better for people who are seeking temporary jobs in the US. According to a survey by, 55% of company managers will hire employees for summer jobs, while 10% of those managers will hire 6% more employees than last summer.  

Furthermore, the survey revealed that managers are willing to pay successful job seekers higher compensation than before—from $10.20 to $10.90 an hour.

However, job seekers are encouraged to apply immediately because most of the managers would stop hiring by April.

Tough competition also awaits new job seekers as managers plan to re- most of the employees who had worked for them. Only 35% will be allotted for new employees.

To get ahead of the competition, job seekers are advised to have a positive attitude, an ability to follow schedule and a previous work experience.   


Viewpoint Discussion
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor. 

Discussion A

·         What are the benefits of having a temporary job, such as a summer job?
·         Why are previous experiences from past jobs important in getting hired in the future?

Discussion B

·         What preparations can a job seeker do to make sure that he gets hired for a job?
·         What are the possible reasons why getting a job is a lot harder today than in the past?

March 29, 2011