Thick Drinks Keep People Full for a Long Time

September 3, 2016

Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article. 

1. satiation / ˌseɪʃiˈeɪʃən / (n.) – the state of being full
ExampleSatiation depends on how much food you take in.

2. makeup /ˈmeɪkˌʌp/ (n.) – the way in which things are put together
Example: The nutritional makeup of a banana includes potassium, vitamin B6, and vitamin C.

3. consumption /kənˈsʌmp ʃən/ (n.) – the act of taking in something
Example: Daily consumption of fruits and vegetables helps one maintain good health.
4. essential /əˈsɛn ʃəl/ (adj.) – something important
Example: Vitamins and minerals are essential for our body.

5. contend /kənˈtɛnd/ (v.) – to argue
Example: The doctor contends that drinking smoothies is not healthy.


Read the text below.
A new research shows that satiation depends on the thickness of food and not on the amount of calories or energy value.

A group of researchers from Wageningen University in the Netherlands experimented with four types of dairy-based shakes made from cream, sugar, water, vanilla, protein powder, and maltodextrin, a food additive made from starch. The shakes had the same nutritional makeup, but differed in viscosity and energy value. The viscosity was either thick or thin, while the energy value was either 100 or 500 calories.

The study involved fifteen men who were asked to drink the shakes. After consumption, the researchers took MRI scans of the participants’ stomachs to determine the volume of liquid inside. 

The results show that the feeling of fullness for the participants was directly related to the drink’s viscosity and not its energy value. Participants who drank the thick 100-calorie shakes reported feeling fuller than those who drank the thin 500-calorie shakes.

The researchers called this phenomenon “phantom fullness.” It refers to the feeling of being more satiated not because of the food’s calorie count, but because of its thickness.

Aside from satiation, thick drinks like smoothies, or fruits blended with milk, juice, or yogurt have multiple health benefits and provide essential vitamins and oils. Joseph Price, associate professor at Brigham Young University, believes that it is the most convenient way to add fruits to one’s diet, especially for people with fast-paced lifestyles.

However, other experts contend that long-term intake of smoothies increases the risk of diabetes and other health problems such as obesity. Barry Popkin, a professor from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, believes that rather than drinking smoothies, people should just drink vegetable juice or eat fruits.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.  

Discussion A

·         After reading the article, do you think that smoothies are good for the body? Why or why not?
·         What drinks would you recommend as healthy alternatives to smoothies?

Discussion B

·         Aside from drinking smoothies and juices, how else can consuming fruits and vegetables be more enjoyable?
·         What are some examples of healthy food from your country?

September 3, 2016