UK Drivers Depend on Navigational Technology, Study Says

October 27, 2014

Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article. 

1. disinclined /ˌdɪs ɪnˈklaɪnd/ (adj.) – to not feel certain about or feel against doing something
Example: She was disinclined to ride cars after being involved in two car accidents.

2. compelled /kəmˈpɛld/ (adj.) – feeling the need or necessity of doing something
Example: He was compelled to walk to work because his car broke down.

3. ironically /aɪˈrɒnɪkli/ (adv.) – (of two things or ideas related) in a contradicting and unexpected manner
ExampleIronically, he could not leave the car wreck because his seatbelt was stuck.

4. road rage /roʊd reɪdʒ/ (n.) – refers to the violent and dangerous anger a driver experiences in the stress of driving
Example: His road rage nearly cost the lives of his family, who was with him in the car.

5. blind spot /blaɪnd spɒt/ (n.) – an area not visible to the driver’s field of vision
Example: Most accidents happen because blind spots prevent drivers from seeing vehicles.


Read the text below.
One in ten people from Manchester, England depend entirely on satellite navigation systems when travelling, a recent study found.

Conducted by the global positioning system (GPS) manufacturing company Garmin [GAR-min], the research emphasizes how Manchester citizens prefer navigational technology over traditional methods such as using maps, especially for comfort and safety. In fact, a third of Manchester citizens admitted that they completely rely on satellite navigation systems as they are unfamiliar with map-reading.

The study’s statistical data show various factors in people’s reliance on navigational technology. When lost, for instance, 25 percent said that they are unwilling to ask for directions mostly out of pride, while 44 percent are disinclined to admit they are lost out of embarrassment. Additionally, 39 percent said that they are unfamiliar with map-reading and are thus compelled to use navigation systems.

In terms of security, 45 percent said that having navigation systems equipped with cameras such as dashboard cameras make them feel safer. Ironically, 38 percent of users do not update their satellite-navigational systems even though they depend on the technology. According to some, they simply could not afford upgrading their systems. 

Kirsty Quartley of Garmin stated that despite what the findings imply, navigational technology should nevertheless be recognized for its merits. She said that satellite navigation systems do not only improve safety but also lessen the stress in driving. For instance, dashboard cameras help drivers avoid accidents caused by road rage. And with side-vision cameras, blind spots are no longer an issue for drivers.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.  

Discussion A

·         Do you think map-reading can be completely replaced by satellite navigation systems? Why or why not?
·         Do you feel safer using satellite navigation systems? Why or why not?

Discussion B

·         Do you think that map-reading is a skill worth learning? Why or why not?
·         What would be your best solution for when you are lost? Please explain your answer. 

October 27, 2014