Dining Out Means More Calories

November 27, 2014

Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article. 

1. dine out /daɪn aʊt/ (v.) – to eat away from home, especially in a food establishment
Example: They wanted to spend the day outside, so they dined out for lunch and dinner.

2. intake /ˈɪnˌteɪk/ (n.) – the quantity of food, drink, or nutrient that the body consumes
Example: She includes vegetables in all her meals to balance her vitamin intake.

3. in general /ɪn ˈdʒɛn ər əl/ (idiom) – in all ways or in all circumstances
Example: Junk food in general is unhealthy.

4. exception /ɪkˈsɛp ʃən/ (n.) – something that is usually prohibited by a rule but is allowable in some circumstances
Example: Cake was the exception in her diet since it was her birthday.

5. serving /ˈsɜr vɪŋ/ (n.) – an amount of food that is suitable for one person
Example: The boy had a stomachache after having five servings of ice cream.


Read the text below.
A study suggests that people who dine out in restaurants, be it fast-food or full-service, gain more calories compared with those who eat at home.      

The study investigated the calorie intake of adults who eat in restaurants. The data were based on a survey conducted on 12,000 American adults of different ethnicities and economic standings. Participants were asked to report their eating habits on two separate days using the survey.  

Based on its results, the survey indicated that participants who dined out have excessive consumption of unhealthy food. Its findings reveal that dining out in general adds 200 calories as well as high levels of sugar, salt, and saturated fat in one’s daily consumption.

The researchers also discovered other factors. For one, salt intake from dining in full-service establishments is higher than the intake from fast-food restaurants. Another is that African-Americans consume more calories compared with Caucasians. Also, participants who are high-income earners have the least calorie intake since they can purchase expensive meals that are healthier, researchers claim.

The study emphasizes the message that dining out should be an exception and not a fixed replacement to eating at home. Researchers further stated that there are ways to avoid too much intake of calories when dining out, such as limiting the portions of one’s serving.

Unhealthy diet can be considered one of the reasons behind the rise of obesity in the United States. According to recent statistics, over 79 million adults in the United States are obese.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.  

Discussion A

·         What do you think are the reasons why people prefer to dine out instead of eat at home? Please explain your answer.
·         Aside from limiting one’s serving portions, how else can people who eat out avoid too much intake of calories?

Discussion B

·         What would be a good way to encourage people to cook and eat at home? Please explain your answer.
·         Do you think your country is at risk of being an obese nation? Why or why not?

November 27, 2014