Ad Companies Turn To Product Placement

May 7, 2013

Unlocking Word Meanings
Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.

1. advertisement
[ad-ver-TAHYZ-muh nt, ad-VUR-tis-muh nt, -tiz-] (n.) – any material that is used to publicize and present a product or service
Example: The company’s sales increased after the release of the new product’s advertisement.

2. promote [pruh-MOHT] (v.) – to advertise a product
Example: Products are promoted on television or on the Internet to increase sales.

3. post-production [pohst-pruh-DUHK-shuh n]  (n.) – a period after shooting a show or film
Example: The film editor adds special effects during post-production.

4. tycoon [tahy-KOON]  (n.) – an extremely wealthy or powerful person
Example: Forbes listed Bill Gates as one of the most famous business tycoons.

5. receptive [ri-SEP-tiv] (adj.) – ready or willing to receive or accept ideas and suggestions
Example: People are more receptive of interesting and convincing ads.

Read the text below.

Digital product placement is now becoming a more popular way to promote products as the TV and film industry faces difficulty in making profits from advertisements.

Television viewers nowadays tend to think of ads as annoying; so, they do something else when their favorite programs are on a commercial break.

To get more attention from viewers, the TV and film industry turn to a less distracting way of promoting products. Digital product placement is a method of incorporating products that were not originally present in the scene of a TV show during production. Editors can place or replace anything in a program in the post-production stage.

MirriAd is one of the popular digital placement companies that the TV and film industry turn to. In fact, media tycoon Subhash Chandra invested to MirriAd to help promote the products and services of his company.

Mark Popkiewicz, MirriAd’s chief executive, said that the company can integrate logos, videos, and signs in the program without making viewers notice the additions. In addition, MirriAd does not need to change the content of news and children’s programs in order to advertise.

Popkiewicz also pointed out that the audience is more receptive to digitally placed products compared to banner ads and pop-ups.

Additionally, ad companies are thinking of adding products that appeal to viewers. However, Adam Fulford, a strategy and planning director of a digital placement consultancy firm, said that expenses for personalized ads may cost more than the possible earnings. 

Viewpoint Discussion
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor. 

Discussion A

·         Do you buy the products you see on advertisements? Why or why not?
·         What forms of advertisements (e.g. commercials, posters, billboards, etc.) appeal to you the most? Please explain why.

Discussion B

·         What characteristics do you think make ads interesting? Please explain your answer.
·         Should we believe in everything that commercials show us? Why do you think so?


May 7, 2013