Most Young App Developers Come from Private Schools

May 17, 2013

Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article. 

1. coincidentally [koh-IN-si-duh nt-lee] (adv.) – unexpectedly occurring at the same time
Example: Coincidentally, all the contest winners were British.
2. renowned [ri-NOUND] (adj.) – known and honored by many
Example: Thomas Edison became renowned because of his light bulb invention.

3. urge [urj] (v.) – to convince or push someone into doing something.
Example: Lisa urges her son to study well so he can get good grades.

4. mindset [MAHYND-set] (n.) – a mental attitude or way of thinking
Example: The teacher gave the students a positive mindset by telling stories about successful people.

5. address [uh-DRES] (v.) – to make actions in response to something
Example: The principal should address the issue on decreasing enrollees.


Read the text below.
Young app developers are now making names in the field of technology. Coincidentally, most of today’s young app makers come from private schools.

One of the young developers from a private school is Nick D' Aloisio, who became famous when Yahoo bought his app. Tom Humphrey, who also came from a private school, launched an app that combines dictionary meanings with digital translation tools. Nina Dewani, also privately educated, created an app that prompts passwords.

Mark McGinn, organizer of an app competition, acknowledges the roles that schools can play to help a student succeed. He pointed out that private schools offer students wider opportunities to be successful and encourage a positive mindset and willingness to take risks.

These fee-paying schools are creating a culture of independent thinking and are building knowledge and confidence among students. However, the culture in state schools is the opposite. State schools, which are non-paying institutions, have a mindset that ignorance drives a student to success.

Other cultural differences between private schools and state schools may also be present. For instance, intelligent students may be praised upon in private schools, but in state schools, “geeks” may often be bullied. State schools also lack students who get busy in doing new and innovative things.

These differences are what Dr. Tony Sewell, founder of an educational institution in the UK, wants to address. To prevent the country from losing talented students, Dr. Sewell established a charity that specifically helps poor students get college education.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.  

Discussion A

·         Are fee-paying schools better in your country than non-paying schools? Why do you think so?
·         What subjects should schools focus on teaching young students? Please explain your answer.

Discussion B

·         Is money required to be able to promote a creative learning environment? Why do you think so?
·         Do you think education is important in achieving one’s goals? Why or why not?


May 17, 2013