More Jobs in UK Now Require College Degrees

May 26, 2013

Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article. 

1. accomplish [uh-KOM-plish] (v.) – to carry out and complete a task
Example: The student took a break after he accomplished his homework.

2. fill up [FIL-uhp]  (v. phrase) – to completely occupy something
Example: The student no longer writes in his notebook that is already filled up with lecture notes.

3. graduate job [GRAJ-oo-it job]  (n. phrase) – a job that requires the employee to have a college degree
Example: Employers of graduate jobs often reject applicants who did not finish college.

4. all-time [awl-taym]  (adj.) – beyond or over the value of past records or data
Example: Productivity might reach an all-time high if all workers are efficient and focused.

5. dwindle [DWIHN-dl]  (v.) – to decrease slowly until nothing is left
Example: Employees’ interest in a job may dwindle if the salary is too low.


Read the text below.

A survey accomplished by researchers from the UK’s Institute of Education reported that companies nowadays offer more jobs for college graduates while fewer positions can be filled up by non-graduates.

The study involved around 3,000 adults in the job market. The Economic and Social Research Council and the UK Commission for Employment and Skills sponsored this research.

Results of the survey showed that 74% of the degree holders have graduate jobs. This figure is significantly higher than the 69% college graduates with graduate jobs in 2006. The study also discovered that skilled jobs are at an all-time high while unskilled jobs are at the lowest number ever recorded.

The study also mentioned that about one in every 11 jobs is a graduate job in mid-1980. The number of non-graduate jobs back then was three times higher. However, from the 1990s to the present, job positions requiring college degrees are increasing while non-graduate jobs are dwindling.

The fact that non-graduate jobs are decreasing implies that people with not enough educational background would find it hard to be employed.

The study also addressed the problem on how employers find difficulty in hiring qualified workers for specific job positions given that many people are still unemployed today.

CBI director of education and skills Neil Carberry challenged the youth, saying that despite this problem, the youth still need to gain more skills so that the UK would be more globally competent in the future.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.  

Discussion A 

·         If you were an employer, would you require your employees to be college graduates? Why or why not?
·         Do you think it is necessary to have a degree to get a good job? Please explain your answer.

Discussion B

·         What degree programs are popular among university students in your country? Why do you think so?
·         Do you think it is enough to be a college graduate or is there still a need to continue post-graduate studies? Why do you say so?


May 26, 2013